ADSR stands for Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release, which are the four basic parameters used in music production and synthesis to shape the envelope of a sound. The ADSR envelope determines how a sound evolves over time, from the moment it’s triggered until it fades out.
Here’s a breakdown of each stage in the ADSR envelope:
The attack stage refers to the time it takes for a sound to reach its peak amplitude from the moment it’s triggered. It determines how quickly the sound “attacks” or starts after being triggered. For example, a short attack time will result in a quick onset of the sound, while a longer attack time will create a gradual fade-in.
Decay: –
Once the sound reaches its peak amplitude, it enters the decay stage. The decay stage controls how long it takes for the sound to reach the sustain level. It defines the time it takes for the sound to decrease in volume or intensity after the attack phase. A shorter decay time will result in a quicker fade-out, while a longer decay time will extend the duration of the initial peak level.
Sustain: –
After the decay stage, the sound enters the sustain stage. This stage determines the level at which the sound will sustain as long as the note or trigger is held. It represents the steady-state portion of the sound where the volume or intensity remains constant until the note is released.
The release stage defines how the sound fades out after the note or trigger is released. It controls the time it takes for the sound to reach zero amplitude after the sustain stage ends. A shorter release time will result in a quick fade-out, while a longer release time will create a gradual or sustained fade-out.
The ADSR envelope is commonly found in synthesizers, samplers, and other electronic instruments. It allows producers and sound designers to shape the characteristics of a sound, such as the attack of a snare drum, the release of a pad, or the pluck of a guitar. By adjusting the ADSR parameters, you can create a wide range of sounds, from sharp and percussive to long and evolving.
ADSR का मतलब होता है “अटैक, डिके, सस्टेन, और रिलीज” जो संगीत उत्पादन और संयोजन में उपयोग होने वाले चार मूल पैरामीटर हैं जिनसे ध्वनि का एनवेलोप बनाया जाता है। ADSR एनवेलोप यह निर्धारित करता है कि ध्वनि ट्रिगर होने के बाद कितने समय तक और कैसे विकसित होती है, जब तक वह धीरे-धीरे बंद नहीं हो जाती।
यहां ADSR एनवेलोप के प्रत्येक चरण का विवरण है:
अटैक: –
अटैक चरण संगीत ध्वनि ट्रिगर होने के बाद से अधिकांश गति की संख्या का समय है। यह निर्धारित करता है कि ध्वनि कितनी तेज़ी से या कितनी धीरे से “अटैक” करती है। उदाहरण के लिए, एक छोटी अटैक समय से ध्वनि तेज़ी से शुरू होगी, जबकि एक लंबे अटैक समय से धीरे-धीरे बढ़ाया जाएगा।
ध्वनि अपनी शीर्ष तेज़ी तक पहुंचने के बाद, वह डिके चरण में आती है।